

Planton is a caring imaginary friend who takes care of 2 children, they're smart and nurtoring, and always tries to look at the bright side and think positive, trying not to lose their cool

The 2 children imagined them at the same time and couldn't decide on a gender, so they're kinda genderless, they call them a he a her and also them sometimes, but planton dosent mind

Planton dosen't really get along with Oozie, With Oozie being the only one who can lose his cool, if Being at their limit, they can litteraly become a tiking time bomb, directing their Bottled rage to anybody at this point

they're kind of aware that Ms something has a crush on them but tries to ignore that intirely

- Trivia! -

they're personality is based on Wilt from fosters home for imaginary friends!(i kinda imagine them sounding like wilt too...)

when i tried to design them , i thought of minecraft so yeaahhhh...