Ms Something


Ms something is the Heart of the group shes childish and excitable, shes creative and lively, with her Adult woman voice and figure,

her child (imaginator) is a little 7 year old girl from the kindergarten nearby, shes girly, dumb and full of imagination and creativity, they pretty much share a brain at this point

She dosent have a face and is very minimal, because her imaginator didnt know how she could look like So at first she was just a voice but later as the girl got older she got a proper form

she has a high school esque crush on Planton, planton is Kinda aware of it, they feel that somethings up with ms something but tries to ignore it

- Trvia! -

Ms something is inspired by Ms bellum from the Powerpuff girls

Her having no face and a completely blank design is based on the types of imaginary friends with no form

Heck originally , she was just a disinbodied voice but i felt if it was in comic form it would be best to have a character design